The program links an individual's inner strengths and personal beliefs to external events. Certain colors are used used via post hypnotic suggestion to combat smoking triggers.
The program is designed to help clients who believe the only way they could stop smoking would be if they were totally disgusted by the taste and smell of cigarettes.
This program is designed for certain cases when it is necessary to frequent a time or period before the client began smoking in order to erase the habit and triggers.
The program is designed for clients who believe they could quit smoking if they could make it through the first week wi
The program is designed to help client who simply believe that they cannot stop smoking so they use every excuse not to attempt to quit smoking.
The program reinforces all previous attempts and measures to quit smoking by acknowledging the client's strengths and success in order to instill a level of pride and continual change.
Testing the depth of hypnosis on a smoking cessation client...
Rapid induction of smoking cessation client
My first Ex-Smoker client recaps how hypnosis helped her quit smoking!
Aiisha has suffered ups and downs, even a momentary relapse but still prevails...
All sessions are By Appointment Only